Body cleansing lecture

Our Body is our Soul’s home and vehicle here in this earthly Life. In order for our spiritual experiences to be more than just out-of-body and temporary releases, for our bodies to be able to hold high frequency energies permanently, for every cell in our bodies to awaken to Life and be filled with Light, and for us to literally be embodiments of Light here in this reality – we must prepare our physical bodies! Embodiment means that our spirit energy is anchored deep in matter – in the body, at the cellular level. Every cell is filled with awareness and love, or light, and activated – ENLIGHTENED!

In this workshop I will share with you how to cleanse your Body Temple of toxins, heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, fungi, parasites, micro-organisms and old undigested residues and why this is important on both a spiritual and physical level.


Devi Loreena is Devi Yogini School and Devi Reiki Studio creator and Reiki and yoga...