Conversations circle for women – Trust

“On my personal development journey, I realised how disconnected I was from my feminine nature and how women around me were struggling with the same story. Hormonal imbalances, stress and anxiety, body image issues, deep-rooted insecurities and confusion around my purpose.”

In a conversation circle, we notice each other. We notice the other woman: her beauty, her wisdom, her experience. Celebrating our femininity, it’s about respecting our differences and similarities. We create a deeper connection with the women we come into circle with.

Where before we were harsh, we become encouraging.

Where we lost ourselves, we become patient.

What we have appreciated, we meet with curiosity.

Where we have held back with fear, we surrender.

Where we have blamed, we feel compassion.

Where we forget, we remember again where we come from, who we are and where we have been.