Workshop “Free expression activation”

Meet yourself and gain the freedom of your free expression. We usually play roles … and often these roles don´t match our truth. This causes a lot of self-sabotaging patterns, fears, unhealthy and unhappy lifestyles, and feelings of frustration and being overwhelmed and exhausted.

In this playshop we intuitively meet our unique truth, play with our self-limitations and beliefs and allow ourselves to step out of our controlled comfort zone, for each one in his/her unique way. We activate our voice, our intuitive body language, our gate to freedom and happiness, by simply realizing what IS and allowing the magic to happen.

You´ll explore your patterns, face your fears, and find easy ways of true and full expression for them… and allow yourself to shine with your full presence and unique beauty.

About the workshop:

Mitsch Kohn opens a loving and inviting space for the participants to realize and let go of their blocking patterns within minutes, to release tension and fears, and to explore the true power of their own unique expression… His unique work is fully intuitive, and every workshop is different, connecting to the group’s needs. Essential parts are voice and body activation, stillness and intuitive music.