Ereli Tuisk

Fear of losing someone close to me has been my biggest driving force. It’s made me wonder why illnesses come and where things start.

Growing up, I’ve tried to put together the components that invigorate and support health.

As my awareness has grown, I’ve realised that health is part of a whole. There is no need to add or take away.

I am interested in those aspects of the person that are unrecognized and left out of the whole, that prevent love from flowing and being in loving relationship with oneself.

I share the experience and understanding of how each person’s reality is one to one the same as their thoughts… Healing begins with each person’s own recognition of themselves. Everyone is the creator of their own reality and change begins when we acknowledge our own creation.

My journey towards connection with myself began 15 years ago when I started consciously choosing things in my life that brought me joy. The Yoga Space (Joogaruum), created with my sister, has supported this journey. This time also included Soul Message Channelings and Family Constellation training.

My greatest longing is to release the child aka Creator. To have our creation born out of love, not lack.



Through Soul Messages, we bring to light the old limiting beliefs that create your current...