Raido Rõivas

Since 2005 Raido has completed various studies of biosensory psychology and parapractice courses in Russia and elsewhere. He has been applying and exploring the skills he has acquired in his work and personal life consistently for over 15 years. In his daily work, he conducts participant-centred applied team trainings in practical psychology, with a focus on achieving desired changes in outcomes through modern brain-friendly learning.

“I believe that a person has two choices – to learn to deal with what is most necessary in a useful, pleasant and masterful way or to follow the path of inevitability as a victim. The environment has a huge influence on us, yet each individual has the opportunity to develop skills and find the resources to bring the change they want into their lives.

As a facilitator, I am inspired by the opportunity to pass on experiences and knowledge that can help us discover and use patterns of action to achieve the results we want and to live a vibrant life.”



A practical workshop for the person who wants to reach true inner peace, balance and...