Suusi Soluna

Suusi Soluna has been involved in various bodywork and self-development practices for over 15 years. Alongside tantric practices has come a deeper linking of body psychotherapy techniques with some therapies and archetypes. Suusi holds space in various self-development workshops in Estonia, Thailand and Bali and organises festivals and retreats, and also hosts couples to enhance authenticity and intimacy in relationship. “Your authentic Self is already the perfect You. There are more and less authentic characters in your inner Self, it’s good to learn to notice and distinguish between them in order to put together the ensemble that best serves you.”

Suusi believes that the couple relationship is the best mirror and highlights the best areas of self-development to pursue. By expanding their own authentic ways of expressing themselves, a partner also has the space to expand their own repertoire. “A good relationship is like a dance, where in full presence you can take one step at a time, giving space to the other and listening to the other with your whole body.



This is a practical workshop for couples to look at their own patterns of behaviour...

The Love Lounge is an evening connection format common at self-development and tantra festivals, where...