What if you could experience orgasmic pleasure just by sitting down and looking at yourself? How would it be to feel pleasure flowing in every breath and dancing in every movement of yours, in every cell of your body and in your entire being? How about letting go of all false shame and tension and feeling the purity and beauty of your pleasure just as it is expressed in this moment? What would it be like to feel the freedom of knowing that you actually always have this ability and that the pleasure is always within you? And all you have to do is open up and allow it.
In the workshop, we step out of our heads and let our bodies speak. We are in a truly held, safe and sacred space where we can experience our capacity for pleasure, life energy and the limitless wisdom of the body.
Without using physical sexual practices or nudity (unless you want it at some point), we experience true trust, permission and the beauty, purity and power of unconditional love and pleasure within ourselves.
In the sacred space, we practice tantric tandava dance, both alone and with different partners, blindfolded as the receiver, and blindfolded while leading the receiver. Tandava practice helps to expand consciousness, dissolve tension and dark side patterns, gain deeper contact with one’s body, soul, subconscious mind and lead to the experience of non-dual oneness and Spanda of Higher Consciousness, liberation and spontaneity.