Rachel Pringle Urb (US)

Rachel Pringle is an artist, author of Wild Open, creator of the Wild Woman Experience, a Sensuality and Dynamic Tantra Teacher and Mystic.

She has over 15 years of experience in human development, healing modalities and somatic embodiment practices. She specializes in Tantric Embodiment, CoDevotional Relating, Self Intimacy, Mysticism in the Tantric Realm and Love in Partnership. Her teachings cover embodied presence, full subconscious integration, energetic mastery, erotic frequency attunement, healing through the subtle body and awakening beings to their innate power and self genius. Her mission in life is to guide people to their deepest empowerment by realigning them with their physical and energetic form and affording them the limitless energy and confidence to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.




Drop into the body. Remember your heart. Express who you really are. The transformative journey...

An ancient and modern ritual to awaken the mind, body and soul to the eternal...