Loving your self-image whole

A workshop in a women’s tent held with ceremonial cocoa.

In this workshop we will meet in a tiny women’s room to practise exercises with the mirror and work with the subconscious.

This is for anyone who experiences judgements about their body, tries to box themselves in all the time, doesn’t trust that bodies are naturally beautiful.

You will learn how to develop attitudes towards the body through mirror exercises in everyday life that will begin to heal the self-image.

All bodies are beautiful, they often tell stories that are unspoken or take the form of repressed feelings.

A loving attitude comes first, then everything else….

Cocoa will be an aid in this workshop to help you see the truth.

In this workshop, we will practise neutrality of the body, and in doing so, give the opportunity to release the pain projected onto the body.

The workshop can accommodate 20 women. Pre-registration is essential.


I’m a guide and support to those who want to live in a more loving...