Mariann Kiidron - Mariann Satya Yukti

Poesia Erotica

This is a pleasure
pure passion
I just enjoy

Enjoying myself
pure being
in my own steam
I guess I lost the borders

Suddenly in riverbed
I’ll become a wide-deep ocean
wings mid-starts
I’ve lost compass

Then what?
I am the knowledge and direction
my own song of the soul
singing the Sun and the Moon

Poesia Erotica is the party and, at the same time, a safe room to express your erotic essence and passion to find and express pleasures inside you. Erotica has nothing to do with pornography. We are all enjoyable and erotic, and sexual energy is everyone’s life force. We invite You to the space where to be FREE from society-created visions of sex and sexuality, erotic taboos, and feelings of shame, to explore and express yourself exactly the way You like the most.
“And yet it is here, in the attraction forces of passion, that the foundation for the ascension is laid.” The Magdalen Manuscript.

We invite you to rise to ecstasy– carried by liberation, your own natural and powerful inner pleasure!

Poesia Erotica is created by an extremely hot Ivo and erotic DJ– set and Mariann Satya with poetry lines and guidance, which helps you to relax and travel even deeper within you. Additional surprises might be added!

See You in pleasure!