Johann Urb

Johann Urb is an illuminating beacon in the realm of mysticism and tantric embodiment. With a profound understanding of life’s subtle energies and the human potential, he navigates the enigmatic dimensions of existence with grace and wisdom. His unique approach is characterized by a powerful blend of ancient wisdom and modern insights, ensuring his teachings are as relevant today as they’ve ever been.

As the creator of The Pyramid Breath Method, Johann has unlocked a potent pathway for trauma transmutation by facilitating euphoric transcendental states, and unlocking the bodies innate wisdom and healing power. This groundbreaking technique, rooted in the ancient breathwork traditions with a modern twist, fosters a deep connection between mind, body, and spirit, sparking inner tranquility and creativity like never before.

Johann’s role as a mentor extends far beyond imparting knowledge. His mission for aligned living involves guiding individuals towards a holistic balance of their physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. He empowers his students to embrace their authenticity, facilitating a journey of self-realization that ripples into every corner of their lives. In essence, Johann Urb is not merely a teacher, but a compassionate guide, aiding seekers on their unique paths towards enlightenment and embodied existence. His profound teachings continue to inspire and elevate countless souls on their quest for a meaningful and harmonious life.



Tiit Trofimov has been organising men’s camps in Estonia for 3 years. At the festival,...

​This transformative technique teaches you how to shift from negativity, stress, and anxiety into a...

Drop into the body. Remember your heart. Express who you really are. The transformative journey...