Kevad Belle Saarepera

Since the age of 14, Kevad has been committed to health, discovering the power of awareness and choice. She has founded a number of initiatives and companies, including Not Your Average, which launches innovative superfood coffees in Estonia and soon in America. NYA coffee is not just coffee, it is an opportunity for every coffee drinker to make a conscious choice for their health.

One of Kevade’s strengths and passions is organic hacking, the principles and constant learning of which have accompanied her daily life for 7 years. Having been an active member of _biohacking_ communities and experimented with various extremes, she has come to the basics, the simple practice of which helps to live not just within the norm, but optimally. Some of his recent focus topics include hormonal balance, dopamine systems in the body, blood sugar balancing, a holistic approach to biohacking and much more.

Spring believes that taking ultimate responsibility for our lives also means understanding that by ignoring health and physical wellbeing, we are only living at our half potential. It’s time to think about our health before we’re sick and make it the norm to wake up rested, motivated and strong in the morning – and it can all be easy and playful!

Read more about Not Your Average:

Spring social media: @kevadbelle


In the workshop “The 3 steps of biochipping and their essential tips”, Kevad has divided...